killer in german

Adjective and adverb ˈcontract killer noun ˈgiant-killer noun ˈkiller cell noun killer diˈsease noun ˈkiller instinct noun ˈkiller whale noun ˈlady-killer noun ˈserial killer noun herbicide. Investigators had connected her to six murders and an.

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. Internet services in the state of Rajasthan were suspended to suppress video of the killing in which police say two Muslim men slit the tailors throat. Frank Gust born May 24 1969 in Oberhausen is a German serial killer. Ich glaube dass Josef der Mörder ist.

Murderer See Also in English mass murderer noun Massenmörder axe murderer Axt Mörder Similar Words executioner noun Henker Scharfrichter assassin noun Attentäter Mörder bravo noun Bravo Bravoruf thug noun. Killer adj excellent Am Aus toll ugs super ugs killer adj deadly mörderisch tödlich killer Mörder m Killer m ugs Totschläger m killer thing Todesursache f killer agent Vertilgungsmittel n killer female Mörderin f Killerin f ugs the killer Am coll der Hammer m ugs das Tollste n ugs. 47 rows Neo-Nazi who killed immigrants throughout Germany with accomplices Beate Zschäpe and Uwe Mundlos David Horst.

An early example of a procedural drama the film centers on the manhunt for Lorres character conducted by. Learn the translation for killer in LEOs English German dictionary. Learn the word for Pain killer and other related vocabulary in German so that you can talk about Illnesses with confidence.

Translation German - English Collins Dictionary. Christian Alvart Stars. Translations for killer in the English German Dictionary Go to German English Show summary of all matches killer I.

It also contains close similarities in vocabulary to some languages in the North Germanic group such as Danish Norwegian and Swedish. Expand_more english English swap_horiz expand_more german German. Killer found in translations in English-German dictionary.

This 2007 murder was believed to be the work of the phantom killer. More German words for murderer der Mörder noun killer assassin slayer homicide der Killer noun killer hitman Find more words. 19751993 3 7 Sentenced to life imprisonment One of his murders proved to be a milestone in German criminal history as it was the first 20-year-old crime to be solved with the help of the computer-assisted tracking system of AFIS.

Please choose different source and. The German language Deutsch pronounced dɔʏtʃ About this soundlistennb 4 is a West Germanic language mainly spoken in Central Europe. Person Mörder in m f Killer in m f inf.

He has been dubbed Rhein-Ruhr-Ripper by the media because his actions show similarities with Jack the Ripper and were mainly committed in the Rhine-Ruhr region in western Germany. Mörder- There is a killer on the loose also adjective a killer disease. Leo sagt du hast den Mörder gefunden.

57 Metascore Wanted for a long time serial killer Gabriel Engel gets arrested in a spectacular police raid. Giant killer n fig Goliathbezwinger in m f. Translation for killer in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.

Translation of killer in German Mörder Killerin Täter Mörderin Todesursache Totschläger Töter Mörder- mörder tödlich mörderisch Töterin Killerzellen I believe Josef is the killer. Killer Alphabet in German. 1994 - 1998 Date of arrest.

More German words for killer. Babla - Online dictionaries vocabulary conjugation. Dangerous gefährlich a killer shot Ftbl etc ein Bomben- or Granatschuss m inf.

Dubbed the phantom of Heilbronn the woman was described by police as the countrys most dangerous woman. How to write in German. Its a killer inf race job etc das ist der glatte Mord inf.

Ich habe noch nie etwas Größeres als eine Spinne getötet. The standard way to write Killers in German is. Police in Germany have admitted that a woman they have been hunting for more than 15 years never in fact existed.

Einen Killer auf jdn ansetzen. Germ-killer n keimtötendes Mittel. Killer m -s - Killerin Killerin f - -nen.

List of the most dreaded serial killers in German history. This disease is a killer diese Krankheit ist tödlich. Find Caruso before the killer does.

Translation of killer EnglishGerman dictionary killer noun a person animal etc that kills der Mörder. Inf killer murderer gedungener hit manwoman. Small town cop Michael Martens travels to the big city to interrogate him and finds out more than he is looking for.

German is most similar to other languages within the West Germanic language branch including Afrikaans Dutch English the Frisian languages Low German Luxembourgish Scots and Yiddish. Remember that in German both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether. The list includes names such as Peter Kürten Fritz Haarmann Joachim Kroll Niels Högel and Beate Schmidt.

Leo says you found the killer. Gedungener hit manwoman Declension Killer is a masculine noun and Killerin is a feminine noun. May 24 1969 Oberhausen West Germany.

How to say killer in German. Killer noun as adjective todbringend adj kill sbsth verb killed killed töten v I have never killed anything bigger than a spider. With nounverb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer.

Killer ˈkɪləʳ noun person Mörder in m f Killer in m f inf this disease is a killer diese Krankheit ist tödlich its a killer inf race job etc das ist der glatte Mord inf lady-killer weedkiller adjective attributive inf. M is a 1931 German thriller film directed by Fritz Lang and starring Peter Lorre in his breakthrough role as Hans Beckert a serial killer of children. To take out a contract on sb.

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